Fright Night remake 'teething'

With vampires being SO HOT RIGHT NOW, it's hardly a surprise that uber-kitsch 80s horror flick Fright Night is to be remade.
According to the wonderful bible that is Empire, Buffy and Mad Men screenwriter Marti Noxon is on board with this remake.
It's great that old 'classics' are getting new exposure with remakes but it truly sucks when the remakes turn out to be a load of old cobblers (see Prom Night). I have to say, one of the most impressive remakes I have seen recently is Rob Zombie's version of Halloween. He made a truly terrifying film with absolute prolonged brutality of the butchery. The camera lingers a bit too long when the characters are stalked and slashed, we as the audience feeling that we shouldn't be watching. Let's hope Fright Night gets a good turn but it certainly sounds hopeful as a very talented lady has her hands on it.
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